
Thursday, April 29, 2010

New look!

The store has a new look! And new items have just become available including my personal favorite: the Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck. Very cool!  (If you click the link, you'll be taken to Amazon where you can purchase the Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck, but of course it's also for sale on The Funky Fairy Shoppe!)

What do you all think of the new colors and background? I find it peaceful. I have my bestest best friend working on creating backgrounds as she's an artist of a most amazing sort, but I'm having trouble getting the backgrounds to mesh well as they're currently scanned images, not digital ones. Once I figure that out, you will be seeing her art as backgrounds. And of course once I can convince her that she really is amazing, I'll be putting her art up for sale on the site as well.

Last, but not least, we have a new fan page on Facebook. Special deals will be posted there only. But of course I won't leave out my blog followers; I'll be posting special deals just for you here.

New in May: new items galore, new free articles and the business plan will be finally finalized.

On the homefront: We bought a house and have moved in and are mostly unpacked. Things we haven't seen in the 3 years we've been living in North Idaho are making their appearance. Going from a house to a small apartment meant we had quite a few things in storage. We have a garden started and have blueberry bushes, a strawberry patch, apple trees, serviceberry tree, hawthorn tree and a Japanese lilac tree. Oh, and I got a puppy - some pictures of the darling are on Facebook but I can put some here too if you all want. She's now 6 months old - a boxer/husky named Zoe.

That's all for now!

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