
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It was a wonderful time!

I had a wonderful time at the Spokane Holistic Chamber of Commerce fair this past weekend.  I was able to meet lots of amazing people and had some very interesting conversations.  A few conversations ended up being networking with other folk in the area.

Barbara Lee from Intuitive Reflections and Wild Wood Botanicals has offered to partner with me in offering astrology charts.  We also made a trade - she offered me 3 bottles of her lovely massage lotion in exchange for a deck of Faerie Tarot Cards.  I was, honestly, hesitant at first because I really need to make money, not trades.  But I agreed and then Sunday I was grateful for the exchange.  I was outside too long in the sun and ended up sunburned.  I used her lotion and my skin instantly felt cooler and less stressed.  Thank you, Barbara!

I also met and chatted with Kristen L. Dodson, a licensed hypnotherapist.  She is a very sweet lady and I've promised to come up with some incense that won't trigger her allergies.

And there was a talented young lady who was doing henna tattoos.  Of course I had to get one - I got the triple moon with a pentacle as the full moon on my left wrist.  I've always wanted that one there and now I get to try it out before I make it permanent.  If you're in the Spokane area and want a good henna tattoo artist, check out Randi Dickinson.  She has an Etsy shop called Eco Twist that you can contact her through.

And, I hate to admit it, but I failed to get some contact information for a very nice couple who have Native American curios for sale, including dream catchers and fans.  Which is a bummer because we were talking about doing some consignment of their items on my site.  They took a couple of my business cards so I'm hoping I'll hear from them soon.

Finally, I'll pass on some information for a Health Forum that's coming up.  It will be on Lymes Disorder and Alternative Treatments, information presented by Dr. Terri Turner and Hubertus Pofello.  June 30, 2011 at 6:30pm at the Rock Point Towers, 316 W. Boone #270, Spokane, WA 99517.  Admission is free.

Wait!  Not "finally," not yet.  I have one more thing.  The winner of the drawing for a $10 gift certificate is Connie S. of Spokane.  Which is really cool because she's an acquaintance of mine and has been through some tough health & financial challenges the last couple of years.  At the fair, she asked me about a healing pendant or charm.  I'm so glad she won this certificate because she can use that towards a healing pendant.  Congratulations, Connie!

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