
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Fonts & Items!

It's a new year and what better way to kick things off than to change the look of the store? Don't worry, I didn't change that much. I changed the fonts and a few colors and hopefully made things easier to read. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I also added several new items and will continue to add new items every day this month. Well, every day that the kids aren't needing too much of my attention, anyway.

We will also be having another sale in the next few weeks so keep checking back!


  1. This is wonderful! Congratulations! It seems you have a good riend in Karmen...Love the Funky Fairly Shoppe design
    Please stop by at Psyche Connections and say hello. I would enjoy exchanging following links with you if you have an interest! Le me know your thoughts. GOOD BUSINESS developement wishes are coming your way!

  2. Love your site . It seems you have a good friend in Karmen. This is exciting! We have a store in Nashville that you may find of interest..Magical

    Please stop fy for a visit at Psyche Connections. I would like to exchange following links if you have a interest?

    Sending you thoughts of wonderful and successful business developement and expansion connections!!
